Keep Campers Happy With The Right Ablutions

Keep Campers Happy With The Right Ablutions

Portable Toilets Johannesburg | Fancy Flush

While many traditional camping grounds are equipped with standard ablution blocks, the growing trend of multi-day summer events and tented camps in far-flung locations poses a different kind of challenge for campers. While everyone loves a little down time to ‘unplug’ from everything, no one wants to be without access to basic ablutions.

Psychology In The Bathroom: Why We Go The Way We Do

Fancy Flush

Going to the WC is a strange thing. Urinals are in communal spaces. Toilets are behind closed doors. Sometimes we go to the bathroom in groups (here’s looking at you, ladies). Some find the most secluded toilet possible before going about their business. Truth is, while we all hear the same ‘call of nature’, when it comes to going, we have some very different behaviours – especially between men and women. Let’s discuss:

Tips for hiring porta loos in summer

Fancy Flush

Let’s be honest. When you think of portable toilets in the heat of summer, you’re probably not being reminded of the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass.

How many portable toilets do you need to hire for your event?

Fancy Flush

Planning the total number and type of porta loos to have at an event may be fairly low on the average event-planner’s to do list, but it can have a huge impact on the overall event experience. Hiring the wrong number and type can lead to long queues and very disgruntled guests.

3 Details that can make or break an event

Contact Fancy Flush for portable toilet hire services, perfect for events and construction sites.

Whether you’re planning a party, a wedding, a concert or a corporate function, there are so many moving parts you’re bound to forget or overlook some elements.

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