The Lowdown on Bathroom Etiquette
Going to the bathroom is a universal experience, yet it comes with its own set of unspoken rules. At Fancy Flush, we believe in tackling these topics openly and ensuring everyone is prepared for bathroom etiquette, whether in public spaces, events, or private settings. Here’s your guide to navigating the toilet with courtesy and care.
1. To Flush or Not to Flush?
It’s simple: unless there are water restrictions, always flush. If you’ve left a mess behind, use the toilet brush to clean it up—yes, it’s part of being considerate. Leave the toilet in a state better than you found it. It’s a small effort that makes a big difference.
2. Don’t Make a Splash
If you accidentally splash the seat, clean it up. Ladies, it’s important to know that squatting over the seat isn’t more sanitary than sitting. In fact, it often causes the very splashes you’re trying to avoid. Gents, this one’s for you: don’t let your aim falter. And if it does, wipe it up to keep things tidy.
3. Be Mindful with Water
When washing your hands, be careful not to splash water around the sink or on the floor. If you do, grab a paper towel to dry it up. This small act helps prevent a wet, slippery mess for the next person.
4. Stop and Smell the… Air Freshener
If there’s a lingering scent despite your efforts, first try cracking a window. If that’s not an option or it doesn’t help, a quick spray of air freshener will do the trick. No air freshener? Look for toilet cleaner—its powerful chemicals can break down odor-causing bacteria. If there’s nothing else, an extra flush with liquid soap can help neutralize the smell. Finally, leaving the door slightly ajar as you leave serves as a helpful cue for the next user to wait before entering.
5. For Cleaning Staff
For cleaning staff, discretion and consistency are crucial. The goal is to make guests feel comfortable and not self-conscious, even if the stall was left ajar and might need a little touch-up. Cleaners should perform quick checks to ensure facilities are ready for use, direct guests to available stalls, and help maintain a flow that minimizes wait times.
6. Avoid Unauthorised Bathrooms
We get it—long bathroom lines can be frustrating, and sometimes you’re in a rush. But whatever you do, don’t use the bathroom of the opposite sex. Not only is it an etiquette breach, but it can also lead to safety concerns and discomfort for everyone involved. Consider implementing gender-neutral toilets to promote inclusivity and convenience.
7. Be Nice
Remember, everyone in the bathroom is there for the same reason. There’s no need to make the space more awkward than it already is. Smile, strike up a friendly chat, or simply acknowledge the shared experience with a nod. And don’t forget to thank the cleaning staff—they work hard to maintain a pleasant environment for everyone.
Whether at a public event or in your daily life, adhering to bathroom etiquette is essential for maintaining cleanliness, comfort, and respect for others. Fancy Flush is here to help with a range of sanitation solutions perfect for any occasion, ensuring top-tier service and amenities that make any visit more comfortable. Browse our full range of products and services for more information.