Toilet stories: Separating The Myths From The Legends

Toilet stories: Separating The Myths From The Legends

Bizarre Toilet Tales and Their Truths

Toilets have long been the center of strange stories and urban legends. From mythical creatures to historical oddities, here are some of the most common and surprising toilet tales:

1. Flushing Goldfish – Myth or Reality? Popularized by animated films and quirky cartoons, the idea of flushing a goldfish out to sea seems fun, but it’s purely fiction. Flushed fish typically die from toxic chemicals and cold water before even reaching the sewer. So, please, keep your goldfish safe in their tank, not in a porta loo.

2. Snakes in the Toilet – Possible but Unlikely The notion of snakes swimming up toilet pipes sounds terrifying, and while it’s rare, it has happened. The most famous case was in 2010 when a snake was found in a 19th-floor New York apartment’s toilet. Snakes are skilled swimmers and can hold their breath, but the chances of one seeking out a toilet are slim. If you live in a snake-prone area, a quick check before sitting is a smart move.

3. Opposite Toilet Swirls – A Misconception There’s a myth that toilets flush in different directions in the northern and southern hemispheres due to the Coriolis effect. In reality, this is a plumbing myth. The Coriolis effect affects large-scale movements like hurricanes but not the small-scale water in toilets. Toilet flush direction is determined by the design of the plumbing system, not Earth’s rotation.

4. Deaths on the Toilet – A Sobering Fact It’s true that some famous figures passed away on the toilet, including Elvis Presley, George II of Great Britain, and Judy Garland. The most common causes are heart attacks and drug overdoses. Surprisingly, before the 1700s, most recorded deaths on toilets were due to assassinations. Nobles often faced unexpected and deadly attacks while at their most vulnerable. Unsettling, to say the least.

Wrap-Up: Toilets have been a source of strange stories throughout history. Whether it’s a funny myth or a chilling historical fact, these tales continue to capture our curiosity.

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