We all spend a fair share of time visiting bathroom stalls in our lifetimes. And while the goal is generally to get in and out without much fuss, if there ever was the right context for a little toilet humour, this is it.
Here are some of our favourite funny and inspired signs and messages that have made us chuckle (or ponder the meaning of life). Have any examples of funny signs you’ve seen? Share them with us on our Facebook page.
- Life is like a roll of toilet paper
And hopefully two-ply.
- These unexpectedly uplifting messages
Not your average bathroom stall graffiti
- Now’s as good a time as any for an eye test
Cover one eye and see if you can read this from the porcelain throne.
- Rules to live by
In the bathroom, as in life.
- You were warned…
There are some very flexible limbo dancers out there just looking for their next challenge
- Never let go of those dreams
Definitely non-flushable.
- We all know it’s true…
And yet we’re all guilty of it.
- Discuss for 50 marks
This bathroom scribe is asking the questions of our time
- So simple, and yet so complex for so many people 😉
The age-old household debate is not just about over versus under – it’s also about whether it’s on the holder, or literally on top of it.
- Karmic retri-loo-tion is very real
This is what they call a real ‘aha’ moment.