The Benefits Of Hiring Portable Urinals

Portable urinals from Fancy Flush are an excellent way to relieve stress when catering for large groups. Keeping everyone happy at an event or outdoor function is difficult, so event organizers always look for ways to relieve stress and ensure everyone has the required amenities when and where they need them. Hiring portable urinals is […]
Benefits Of Hiring Mobile Toilets

The world is starting to move back to a state of what we call the new normal. And while events will be a shadow of their former selves for some time to come, event organizers are starting to put smaller gatherings together. One factor that hasn’t changed when it comes to events is the need for clean and safe portable toilets.
3 Reasons To Hire a Portable Ablution Solution During Load-shedding

In 2007, South Africans were exposed to the first rounds of load-shedding. Back then Eskom said that the energy crisis would be resolved by 2012, but our only regret is they haven’t asked to hire loos from us for their construction sites, since then.
Extra Preparations for South Africans During COVID-19

Hand-sanitizer will help limit the spread of the Coronavirus, or COVID-19. But the prices of hand-sanitizer are going through the roof, are there other ways to ensure you’re safe? Here are the top suggestions from the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Wood Or Plastic? This Is The Toilet Seat Question!

It’s the decision that has ruined marriages, divided families and janitors around the globe: Whether or not you should have a wooden or plastic toilet seat. In our business, we’ve discussed it and gone with the majority of our for-hire portaloos being equipped with plastic seats. But if you want a wooden seat for your event, let’s say we won’t poo-poo your request. After all, we provide the fanciest rent-a-loos in the Gauteng area. Also, the most practical. So, if you’re not sure which side of this age-old debate you fall, let’s help you decide – RIGHT NOW!
Top Three Natural Alternative Toilet Cleaners

One priority is to keep our water closets, spick and span and smelling like a bed of roses, literally. After all, your guests deserve the best ablution facilities when taking care of their business. But how do we keep these levels of fragrance and cleanliness?
How To Keep A Happy Bladder

Relieving oneself is natural and normal. We all do it. We have to. But have you ever stopped to think about the benefits? We are always told, “It’s bad to hold it in”, but why exactly? Can bladders really explode? Will we die? What’s the deal with having a healthy bladder and how do we get one? Let’s find out:
The Fancy Flush guide to choosing the right portable toilet solution

So you know you need to hire portable toilets, but you’re not sure where to start and how to choose the right one? Here at Fancy Flush we have a wide offering of portable toilets that suit a range of budgets, quantity of guests, and different types of events. To help you choose the best suited portable toilet for your next event, we’ve broken it down for you to make it a little easier:
Toilet stories: Separating The Myths From The Legends
Ever heard a funny or downright creepy story about a toilet? We sure have. From flushing goldfish down out to sea, to creatures swimming upstream and biting your bum, there are a lot of myths and urban legends out there – let’s try set the story straight:
A Toilet By Any Other Name…

Language is a wonderful thing. Words have history, roots and reasons. The toilet throughout the years has been the site of inspiration for many a writer – and it has adopted many names itself.