Benefits Of Hiring Mobile Toilets

Benefits Of Hiring Mobile Toilets

Portable Toilets In Gauteng | Fancy Flush

The world is starting to move back to a state of what we call the new normal. And while events will be a shadow of their former selves for some time to come, event organizers are starting to put smaller gatherings together. One factor that hasn’t changed when it comes to events is the need for clean and safe portable toilets.

Keep Campers Happy With The Right Ablutions

Portable Toilets Johannesburg | Fancy Flush

While many traditional camping grounds are equipped with standard ablution blocks, the growing trend of multi-day summer events and tented camps in far-flung locations poses a different kind of challenge for campers. While everyone loves a little down time to ‘unplug’ from everything, no one wants to be without access to basic ablutions.

Everything You Never Needed To Know About Toilet Phobias

Fancy Flush mobile toilet and portable sanitation equipment setup at an outdoor event.

There’s no such thing as a weird phobia. Many people have them, it’s part of life. Some people have developed phobias from bad past experiences, others can’t quite pinpoint why they’re scared but that doesn’t make it any less real.

The toilet is actually a common trigger for a number of phobias. So next time you’re banging on the door of an unsuspecting, poor soul as you impatiently wait for them to avail the porta-loo, consider this:

Breaking The Seal: What Makes You Need To Go

Fancy Flush logo provides luxury portable restrooms, mobile toilets, and handwash stations in the background.

“I’ve broken the seal!” The universal signal for friends to know you’re probably going to be heading to the bathroom every 15-30 minutes for the rest of the day or night if you’re out drinking. While it stands to reason that when you’re drinking more, you need to pee more often, but there are quite a few different factors at play that impact when, why and how often you need to go.

The Fancy Flush guide to choosing the right portable toilet solution

Fancy Flush with a background of luxury portable restrooms and sanitation equipment.

So you know you need to hire portable toilets, but you’re not sure where to start and how to choose the right one? Here at Fancy Flush we have a wide offering of portable toilets that suit a range of budgets, quantity of guests, and different types of events. To help you choose the best suited portable toilet for your next event, we’ve broken it down for you to make it a little easier:

Busting the myths: Hygiene and porta loos

Fancy Flush

When people think of porta loos, they think of pungent smells, questionable liquids, and having to hover when you pee. But the little blue boxes have an unfairly bad rap when it comes to hygiene. And it’s not their fault. It’s usually the fault of those who use them. So, let’s jump in and bust some porta loo hygiene myths:

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