Top Three Natural Alternative Toilet Cleaners 

Top Three Natural Alternative Toilet Cleaners 

Handwash Station Rentals | Fancy Flush

One priority is to keep our water closets, spick and span and smelling like a bed of roses, literally. After all, your guests deserve the best ablution facilities when taking care of their business. But how do we keep these levels of fragrance and cleanliness? 

Started With A Long Drop, Now We’re Here

Fancy Flush

While we’re not sure what Google search or school assignment brought you here, if, like us, you’ve wondered how toilets first came about and how they have evolved, you’re in the right place. Welcome. Let’s dive right in.

Toilet Signs And Graffiti To Make You Laugh

Fancy Flush

We all spend a fair share of time visiting bathroom stalls in our lifetimes. And while the goal is generally to get in and out without much fuss, if there ever was the right context for a little toilet humour, this is it.

What the Flush? Six facts about toilets

Fancy Flush

We all use toilets every day, and yet they don’t exactly form part of everyday conversation. As often as we frequent them, there are some surprising and startling facts that most people simply don’t know. Here are just five that might make you say: ‘What the flush?!’

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